44. Breaking Up With My Job

Tend Her Wild co-hosts Betsy and Kate discuss Kate’s decision to let go and move on.  We talk through the entire process leading up to her quitting her job as a CEO, the sense of freedom that that choice offered and what that decision has led to.  By quieting her mind, connecting to her heart and tuning into her body Kate found purpose and intention to surrender and follow her heart.

In today’s episode we discuss;

-The process of finding clarity and deciding what we want
-The sense of release that comes with making a clear decision
-The battle between the mind and heart
-Finding trust in surrender
-Connecting to the heart and finding trust as we go into the unknown
-Using the practices of journaling, mindful contemplation, listening to the body and connecting to the heart in preparation for divine timing
-Finding support in community
-Kate’s newest dedication as an advocate for authenticity and well-being.

Find more about Kate at:
Kate Moreland Coaching and Consulting


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